Your Friday Night Partay No. 6!

Worst Music Video Ever Take Two - The best bloopers are here


Amy W said…
Oh. My. Gah. WHere did you find this abomination!??!? Soooooo bad! lol.

More LOL--- your word verification was "remisse" as in, "It is remiss of you to subject your readers to this horror!" hee hee
Ash said…
I can't make it through!

My eyes. My ears. Make it stop!!! :-)
Anonymous said…
It's awful! How do you find such horrors?
Mother.of.God!!! I kept watching to see if there was going to be a joke at the end, when I realized the WHOLE thing was a joke!
I sure hope your kiddos feel better, 'cause I think I'm going to be sick!
♥ Lilly

hahaha...NOW your word verification says SUCYC as in, this video SUC...ICK!!!
ok, the above mentioned post will make NO sense at all, because YOUR kids aren't sick, Georgie's are. I read her post B4 work this morning and read yours tonight! So now, I'm actually sick with Georgie's kids from watching your video! Goodnight!
Finding my videos is a very difficult and time-consuming endeavour. Days upon days of hardship...

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