Dog Rejected and Dejected

Conversation between Gryphon (the standard poodle) and Laker (the German Shepherd), dog cousins, at the cottage:

Gryphon: What do you want to do today, Laker? Huh? Huh? What??

Laker: Leave me alone. I'm old and decrepit.

Gryphon: Aww come on, cousin Laker! It ain't no fun here at the cottage if you aren't gonna run around in the deep snow with me and act like a total dimwitted idiot!

Laker (heavy sigh): Lookit, I'm not an idiot, and it's no fun jumping around in the ear-deep snow when you have arthritic hip joints. Bite it.

Gryphon (feeling rather dejected, but always eager to please and ever hopeful): Well, what would YOU like to do then, Laker?

Laker (growling with exasperation): Exactly what we're doing...soaking up the sun. It's good for my bones. Not sure if you realize this, buddy, but I'm not here for your entertainment.

Gryphon (under his breath): All right then... Boy, I sure am glad I came all the way out here. NOT. Soak in the sun my ass. Jerk.


Anonymous said…
Your dogs spend more time thinking in a day than I do.
Trina said…
Hahaha I bet Gryphon and my Ali would have fun playing, but Ali is so tiny I don't think she could last long in the snow. She shivers even when it's not freezing cold.
Unknown said…
Talking dogs...why you could be famous! ;-)
cute lil doggers mary...and i think soaking up some rays sounds pretty darn good!

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