My Unfollowing

Oh my gosh. I am so depressed.

I just lost 8 followers. EIGHT FOLLOWERS! Within the past five minutes. Has anyone else had this happen to them? Or is it just me? Please tell me it's not just me.

What is going on? Please, someone, enlighten me! I don't understand.

What did I say? What did I do? As if I don't already have enough of a low self-esteem.

Was it the photo of me with a tissue stuffed up my left nostril? Because if it was, I apologize profusely. Although I'm just trying to be real, and that's what I really was doing on the weekend. Honest. And if I can't be honest, what is there? Nothing. There is nothing.

So, please, someone, help me out here. I feel so unloved.


You love me! You do love me!

Thank you for all your kind and wise words of support, love, and explanation, helping me to understand the Blogger disaster situation that has come upon us this fine day.

I will now take a deep breath and relax, knowing that people do still like me, regardless of how many tissues I have stuffed up my nasal passages, and regardless of the fact that I show my ass crack to the world.

Thank you!


I Am Who I Am said…
I think it's a glitch. Someone else lost three in two minutes earlier.
Either that or people are just incredibly cranky today.
Tenakim said…
there must be some odd glitch! I've lost a few here and there- but I don't think 8 at one time is right- but you did show your ass crack- just kidding!!! Look into-hopefully this post will help people realize they got bumped off of your follow list and refollow!
Blonde Goddess said…
I lost a few too. I had gained a few over the weekend and then they disappeared.

I don't know. A glitch maybe?

I think you're awesome!
I haven't lost any followers as of yet, but I'm thinking maybe it was a blogger system glitch...
I for one loved your tissue picture! That's "real life".. you gotta love someone who is brave enough to show the good or the bad!
Julie D said…
LOL..I thought I was the only one being dumped today. I just blogged about it as well!
Oh no!! Maybe there is a glitch with the "following" application??

I think I said in the past that my computer often doesn't let me leave comments on your blog. I have no clue why. But I'm still following! I just can't leave as many comments as I would like to. :( Today it seems to be co-operating though!
Anonymous said…
That's really weird! Maybe it was a blogger issue??
Cajoh said…
I just lost one follower just after I told someone how many followers I had. I found it to be no loss since they never left comments and I couldn't contact them to begin with.

To help you on your road to recovery I will follow you. I can't believe I missed the tissue up the nose bit… I'll have to check it out.
Dawn said…
I lost like 7 or 8 this morning. I'm wondering if it is just blogger.

I'm glad to know I'm not alone in feeling like a loser!! I had decided to print out my followers and then that way I can pinpoint who dumps me and then put them on the spot! ROFL!!!
Sandi said…
I lost followers this morning too and so did julie at 47andstartingover. let's pretend it was a blogger glitch.
Jane! said…
I guess it's happening all over. Must be some kinds of Blogger thing so step away from the ledge....

awww maybe they were afraid of getting your nasal drip problems...hehehe honestly I dont know why anyone would leave I just started following you and I think your post are great!!!!
Debz said…
I'm fricking peeing my pants over here. "What did I say? What did I do? As if I don't already have enough of a low self-esteem."

I can't even tell you when the last time was I checked my followers. I just assumed the sex toy review would have scared them all away.
~*Jobthingy*~ said…
HA! the picture.

you should report it to blogger.. or see if there is already a ticket for it and add yourself to it.
Ash said…
I lost 1 follower. But i have been slowly been losing them, so i thought my writing style has turned crappy. I hope it is a glitch!!!
Trina said…
As I'm catching up on reading blogs, it seems like lost followers is a problem today.

And personally, the tissue up the nostril picture was something I can SO relate to, so I don't see why that would run anyone off. LOL
I only have 8 in the first place.
Anonymous said…
Hey I lost five!!

I'm freaking out too! Trying to console it's not anything I did. Maybe their lives got real busy and they had to prioritize. I understand I can't be the center of everyone's universe (but why not)!!


Deep breath, deep deep breath.

And now I'm going to go drown in a sea of Diet Dr. Pepper!


BTW I think you're funny.
Anonymous said…
Okay, yeah, it's gotta be a blogger issue because I've seen this on several blogs now.

Stacey said she lost 23 followers all of a sudden today.

And Angela all of a sudden lost 8 today

So it's not just you!
Anonymous said…
Well, now I know you read my post about it so you've surely calmed down. There was chaos amongst all of us in the blog world today!
Anonymous said…
Me again. I saw on Nut in a Nutshell how to fix your lost followers:
Robyn Jones said…
I lost one today too, and it wasn't someone I thought would drop off....

What's not to love about tissue up the nose....

I was also having problems down loading pictures...
Lola said…
I lost 22 and I freaked out. But I did find out what's going on...
kel said…
Yup, it's a glitch! So relax in knowing that we all still love you!
♥ CG ♥ said…
What a pain. I'm still stalking...I mean following ya :-).
Kristen Andrews said…
yep doesn't blogger know how hurtful this can be for a blogger!
Sultan said…
I think it is best not to focus on such things. Write from your heart and everything will take care of itself.
Pearl said…
Late to the party, as usual...

I lost two followers, but I also lost 15 readers in the course of a week about a month ago. I was floored and felt much like I'm sure you did. Still don't know why, or even WHO, honestly -- no regular commenters -- but still? What did I do?

And that's what reminded me of why I write -- I don't write because I hope to have a million readers -- although I would TAKE a million readers, if you're out there! -- but because I really really like to write.

Keep writing. The new followers are waiting!

I lost 8 too. So glad it's not just me :)

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