
I'm sick.

The end.

P.S. Sorry this is so short, but I think I'd rather projectile vomit into a toilet instead of all over my keyboard. As well, my head is exploding, and I'd much rather not have that all over the computer screen. I won't even get into the coughing fits and low-grade fever that's kept me on my knees for the past two days. The end, for realsies.


Unknown said…
poor thing.. didja slap your kids?? I hope you feel better soon!
I hope that you feel so much better soon Mary!! That stinks.....
Is that you in that picture????
Holy Mackerel you don't look like you feel well at all (sorry I couldn't resist)......
Take good care and........

Steady On
Reggie Girl
Sultan said…
Ugh, I hope you feel better.
Ash said…
Oh Mary - take care of yourself.

And thanks for not exploding on the screen.
Cathy Winsby said…
Rest. Sleep. Get better. :)
Unknown said…
Oh no Mary! Get better soon!
Akum said…
Great picture!
ShanaM said…
I sure hope you feel better.
Debz said…
Ick. I just got to feeling better myself. Hope you get to feeling better soon cause you look like sh**. lol.
Bon Don said…
Awww feel better Mary... that picture is so creepy! lol
Dorsey said…
I'll be thinking of you! Hope you feel better soon.
Jeanne Estridge said…
Poor baby -- feel better soon!
Wow! You make it sound like being sick is so glamorous! Hee hee.

Hope you feel better soon.
Stacy Uncorked said…
Oh poor thing! Hope you feel better soon!!
Anonymous said…
oh dear, oh dear - I hope you get well right quick
Feel better! Good call on not projectile puking onto the keyboard. Ick.
Poor you :(

Get better soon!
A New Yorker said…
Well isn't that a nice post for my first visit to your blog. ;) Hope you feel better soon.
♥ Braja said…
so sorry to hear that, Mary...and trust me, i know how crappy it feels :))
♥ Braja said…
so sorry to hear that, Mary...and trust me, i know how crappy it feels :))
Anonymous said…
Aw look awful! Don't get out of bed anytime soon!
kel said…
crud.. feel better girl!
Kim said…
I'm in the same boat - sorry if I made you want to vomit again with that metaphor. I've spread it to everyone at the office too. Not too bright - now I can't call in sick on Monday!
~*Jobthingy*~ said…
blech. feel better soon
aw, so sorry to hear you are sick! Feel better soon!
Get better soon! The stress of the last few days has probably caught up with you.
Fragrant Liar said…
Oh, man, that's rough. Hope you feel better soon.
Stephanie said…
Oh Dear! Feel Better.
Momisodes said…
Yikes. I'm so sorry. The sickies are the worst. Hope you feel better soon.
Anonymous said…
The day I looked like that was February 12 and I stayed looking like that until March 23. Pneumonia.

Today? Well, I still look like that but that's just the way I look.
oh no! I hope you feel better soon!
Yuck! I hope that by the time you are reading this you are feeling MUCH better!
Try to get some good rest, drink plenty of fluids, and let the fam wait on you all weekend!
Lidian said…
Hope you feel better soon, Mary!

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