A Post About How I Kind Of Fail As A Mother, But Don't Worry, I'm Not Emo
So, I guess I had some people worried with my last post. Sorry. I guess I'm depressed. BUT ... I'm feeling a tad better today, so today's post, albeit late, will be a happy, hilariously and joyously fun post that will have your ribs sore from all the laughter that will no doubt emanate from your gut. Oh yes. The only problem is, I have Dee home with me today and he doesn't.stop.talking, which I really don't mind, and actually quite love, except when I'M TRYING TO WRITE A F**KING BLOG POST. Ahem . Sorry about that. Obviously, I am still harboring a little anger and resentment. Or whatever. Okay, Dee's upstairs taking apart Mr. Handsome's computer, so I'm good to go. Why is Dee home, you ask? Well, it goes something like this. Back in January, Dee brought home one of his millions of little pieces of paper from school for me to look at. Before I go any further, I'll be the first to admit that I'm not the best at keeping track of important p...