Shaving Is Not For The Weak

Dee, setting himself up for a bath and screaming down the stairs: Mommy!! What's all that hair in the bath? It's all over the place!
Me: I don't know.
Dee: Well, what do I do???
Me: Clean it out and throw it in the toilet.
Dee: But,what's it from?
Me: How should I know? Someone didn't clean out the tub.
Me: Oh...Sorry!
Dee: What?
Me: Umm, I think it might be from me shaving my legs during my bath.
Dee, Em, and Mr. Handsome, simultaneously: EWWWWW!!!!!!
Dee: Well, what do I do???
Me: Clean it out and throw it in the toilet.
Dee: But,what's it from?
Me: How should I know? Someone didn't clean out the tub.
Me: Oh...Sorry!
Dee: What?
Me: Umm, I think it might be from me shaving my legs during my bath.
Dee, Em, and Mr. Handsome, simultaneously: EWWWWW!!!!!!
Hey girl, Dee will get off the sheer trauma of the hair in the tub. No one ever said that a little therapy wouldn't come from childhood horror's right?
Hope the Easter Bunny is good to you and yours and......
Steady On
Reggie Girl
I am a firm believer in emotionally torturing chilluns. It's the only sane way to parent.
also, did you send me your address so i can send you the Traumatize your child book? i can't find it.
That was funny!
Not that I would be able to relate to a hairy bathtub after THAT. Uh-uh. Not. At. All. Good girls never do THAT.
Once, when I was a teenager, the bathroom sink got clogged with hair. My brother opined it was from me washing my face. Hardee-har-har.