Just call me a dwarf

I realize it's been almost a month since I last posted, which is a record, guys.

I also have continued getting paid for my blog, which just makes me feel kind of crazy happy instead of guilty, because I'm an awful human being.

So, what have I been doing all this time while you've continued checking this blog, wondering if I've posted today, and then finding out that, once again, I haven't, and then you think about maybe emailing me to find out if I'm okay, but you don't because you end up forgetting, which would pretty much be the story of my life. 

Anyway, this is what I've done this past month, shortened for your reading ease:

Worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, started Grade 12 Chemistry, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, dropped out of Grade 12 chemistry, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, decided I'm no longer sure what I want to do with the rest of my life, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, inhaled a lot of helium, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, decided maybe I'd be happy continuing what I've been doing, which is working, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, felt very very sad about our poor Japanese countrymen, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, worked, and worked.

More later....I have to go to work.


Don't work too hard Mary,
Are you still training to work on the Ambluances?
Have been to Nahville and back and hopefully doing a tour in May covering Toronto, Niagara Falls and part of the US.....all for the love of Daniel.
Hope the family are ok.
Take care.
ReformingGeek said…
You were gone?

Hee Hee.

Dang that work, that filthy four-letter word. Sometimes it's just a week full of Mondays!

Sending positive thoughts to Japan.
meleah rebeccah said…
Thanks for updating us! I was worried about you! Now get back to work!
Anonymous said…
mid life crisis time eh? no worries - many go through it, some even get past it

Don't work work worj work work work work too too hard, eh?


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